With roundabout 25kg on our back, the expectation to see Moose closely and hear Wolves howling, “Troy-Destroy” and I went on a 4d backpacking trip to the incredible Isle Royale, MI.
This remote island (72km long, 14km wide) has less visitors per year than other big USNP per day – or something like that…
4 days planned; 5 days stayed due to a gale and the decision of the captain.
Thank you, Captain! 🙂
Although it was reeeeeeeaally too bad to being told on the ferry back that we were missing some Northern Lights by just one hour on the first night, I’m still very pleased about the pictures and of course the great teamwork with “Troy-Destroy”, the experiences and to meet guys like Jeremy Rowe.
Aahh, I almost forgot to mention the Moose in just 10m distance who passed our second camp and luckily decided not to force us to shoot the Bear Spray towards him.
Hui! Mouths wide open and at least 20min of a serious adrenaline-shock! 😀
Wow! What a trip!
Recommended soundtrack for enjoying the pictures since every great track deserves a great song: Gordon Lightfoot – The Wreck Of Edmund Fitzgerald